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Liturgical Ministers

We welcome your participation in our liturgical ministries! Many people's experience of the Mass is enlivened when they give themselves to a role of service, and by their service they enliven the liturgy for others. Parishioners can serve as:


  • * Minister of the Eucharistic Bread (the Body of Christ) or the Eucharistic Cup (the Precious Blood)

  • * An Usher

  • A Greeter. Greeters welcome people as they arrive at church.
    Individuals or entire families can serve as greeters.  Children can serve as Greeters along with their parents.
    Lectors proclaim the scripture readings and the prayers of the faithful.

  • Youth Servers are youth in grades four and above who assist at the altar during Mass.

  • Adult Altar Ministers assit at the altar during many of the masses.

*    These ministers sign up for a station as they arrive for Mass, rather than being scheduled in advance.


To be trained for one of the above ministries, contact:

Tom English, email or call  503-644-5264 ext 122 

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