St. Pius X Parish Staff

“What God has intended for you goes far beyond anything you can imagine.”
Fr. Sean Weeks is the pastor at St. Pius X Parish serving his 10th year in this capacity. He loves serving the St. Pius X Community and beyond in their various needs. He spends quality time working with the police department. He could easily be mistaken for a police officer. With his police-officer-like demeanor, one may not see a joke forthcoming from our pastor, but yeah, he cracks and enjoys a good joke!
When not busy in the office or celebrating Sacraments, you will regularly spot Fr. Sean walking around campus counting beads – praying for the SPX Mission. He loves our Blessed Mother and the prayer of the Rosary. His best hobby is working out for health and wellness. See if you can spot him in one of the fitness centers.

Director of Faith Formation
Sr. Angelicah hails from Kenya. She is a member of the religious congregation of the Sisters of Mary of Kakamega (SMK), a missionary community serving in Eastern Africa and the USA. Sr. Angelicah joined St. Pius X Community after the completion of her studies at Gonzaga University. She loves children and young people and works with the faith formation team to provide catechesis for sacramental prep and the like. She has many little friends who give her tiny hugs around the Church and offer occasional visits to the office.

Parish Office Manager
When not assisting Father Sean with his daily schedule, working on the bulletin, or taking baptism and other type calls you can find me in the parish office next to a heater..! It has been said that I am probably the 2nd funniest Parish Staff Member..!

Weekday Receptionist
¡Hola! If you stop by or call the parish office during the week I will be the one to welcome you in! You have probably seen me around on Sundays during the 1PM Mass or during one of the Bilingual Masses. I grew up attending the 1PM Mass so St Pius X has been my Catholic home for many years. I look forward to meeting you and serving the St. Pius X community as part of the parish staff.

Development Coordinator
Greetings and Welcome to St. Pius X, is probably what you will hear when calling or coming into the Parish Office. I don't take coffee orders but would be happy to assist with any bilingual translations that you may need, or help get you pointed in the right direction for your campus activity.

I am so happy to be serving Christ here at St Pius. I have worked in the accounting field for over 30 years. Through those years the ways in which we account for things has changed but the numbers themselves don’t change. I am serious about the numbers but I am always up for a good laugh. You might not see me much around campus because I’m probably tallying up some receipts but if you do I’m probably asking questions about the numbers. Either way I’m happy that you’re here and even happier that I’m here with you.

Faith Formation Program Coordinator
Hello! Hola! You have probably seen me running around with one, two or my three kids. I met St. Pius X community six years ago when my husband and I were looking for a school for our oldest son. We fell in love with the school, parish and community. I’m originally from Lima, Peru 😊 so feel free to ask me about Machu Picchu or how to make a good ceviche 😊. I have been living in Portland for 16 years and my heart belongs to here. My favorites activities are good conversations (specially if they come with a cup of coffee), going to mass, reading and going to the beach 😊. My favorites subjects are religion, education, entrepreneurship and science (I have engineering background). If you want to receive a missing Sacrament or want resources to learn more about our Catholic faith please contact me. It’s a joy for me to serve the community in their journey of faith.

Facilities Supervisor
You have probably seen me in the mornings placing cones and directing campus traffic (like one of those cool air traffic controllers...) or setting up an area for an event. At other times I can be found around campus fixing broken or failing equipment or replacing a leaking sprinkler pipe. Let us know if you need any assistance while on campus.

Parochial Vicar
"And I am the foremost of sinners; but I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience for an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life" (1 Tim 1:15-16).
Fr. Chi-Nhan Vo was born and raised in Portland, OR. He received a B.A. in philosophy from Mount Angel Seminary in 2019 and an M.Div. in theology from St. Patrick's Seminary in 2024, and ordained a priest that year.
Fr. Chi-Nhan is drawn spiritually to the Desert Fathers and to the early Church, but loves all of the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic faith. He loves preaching, teaching, and praying with people. In his free time he enjoys playing sports (soccer, tennis, volleyball, ultimate, rock climbing, and martial arts) and board games, as well as cooking and reading manga.
Está practicando su español!

Business Manager
On the west side of Portland for almost 30 years now, Dave, a Chicago transplant, thinks of The St. Pius X Community as his backyard, so, even as the new guy on the block, joining the parish and school team to oversee business affairs feels natural. Whether you see him on campus in his Sunday best, business casual, or jeans and hardhat, keep in mind that beyond that often furrowed brow he can be instantly tipped into a smile and laugh. If you really want to get his attention, bring up any topic about aviation, horses or dogs.

IT Admin & Facilities Operations Manager
I support the Parish and School Staff with all onsite technological needs. When not fixing PC's or running upgrades you can find me wargaming online in World of Tanks! Nicki says that I am the funniest Parish Staff Member..!

Sunday Receptionist
Hello ( Hola!) Some of you have seen me during First Communion classes as a volunteer. My family and I have been members of St Pius X Parish for 10 years and since then I have always felt the call to support the community, especially the Hispanic community. Now I am the Sunday receptionist, eager to learn everything that happens behind the scenes to better support you in anything that is necessary. It is a pleasure for me to be part of the St Pius X Parish Team.

Bulletin and Social Media Editor
Angelica has always lived in Oregon and, besides the beautiful scenery of the PNW, St. Pius X Church has been a constant throughout her life. Now, with a 4-year degree in Graphic Design, she works as editor of the SPX bulletin, socials, and vestibule slides. Art has always been important to her and she continuously thinks about color theory and design composition. If you have a flyer or event info you’d like to share with the parish, please feel free to send your request to be reviewed to the bulletin email (!

Liturgy Coordinator
I believe that the Holy Spirit called and led me to my dream of being of service to people and to church. Melliza is a native of Manila in the Philippines and completed her education as a dentist. In 1999, she moved to the United States and registered as a parishioner at St. Pius X and since then become a volunteer in various ministry. She has been Involved in outreach and liturgy for 4 years ; parish council and ACTS facilitator for 3 years. After 21 years as a very active parishioner, she joined the staff as Liturgy Coordinator. The Holy Spirit has called her to this ministry to be of service to our community. She also felt the calling to support and serve our clergies, seminarians and religious and most especially care for our altar servers. Iza as others knows her by name loves promoting vocations through prayers and participating in vocation events. This lady loves to cook and can feed the whole army of God. She is very much involved in Vocation Ministry, the Serra Club of Portland and Oblates of Mt. Angel Abbey and very in love of the Eucharist. Melliza takes great joy in being able to serve her community with the Lord here at St. Pius X and around our Diocese as well as outside Portland.

Gabriel is our quiet guy around campus who says plenty with a nod and his ever present smile. He seems to live by Phyllis Diller’s words: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. Gabriel works closely with Rogelio to keep curves around campus straight and well aligned. He is an attentive listener always ready to lend a helping hand when needed. Gabriel enjoys nature and the time he spends at it around campus. He also enjoys time with family. We like to think him shy!