
This page highlights just a few of larger Ministiries at St. Pius X. For additional ministries and communities please vist the Getting Involved page.
Knights of Columbus
If you’re interested in helping those in need, serving your parish, growing in your faith, then the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you.
We are a band of brothers, a network of men in communities around the world dedicated to doing good in the service of God and our neighbor.
Becoming a Knight of Columbus can transform your life. The Knights of Columbus is not just a fraternity in name. It is a brotherhood of Catholic men who each play a part in improving the world around them, one community at a time. They stand together in faith, dedicated to uphold the principles they cherish while lending their support and strength to parish, home, and fellow Knight. The Knights of Columbus offers its members the opportunity to grow in their faith through living the example of a charity that evangelizes and personifying what it means to be a Catholic gentleman through the practicing of good works.
Make a stand among them, and you can discover how easy it is to make a difference in your life and that of others.
Contact: Paul Dombrowski, Grand Knight, email
Contact: Mike Haney, Membership Director, email
St. Vincent De Paul Society
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a Catholic voluntary lay international organization working with poor and disadvantaged people. Inspired by our principle founder, Frederic Ozanam, and our patron, St Vincent de Paul, we seek to respond to the call every Christian receives to bring the love of Christ to those in need: “I was hungry and you gave me food” (Matthew 25). No work of charity is foreign to the Society. Please go to the Getting Involved section of this website and then click on Outreach Commission to explore our numerous activities.
Women's Club
The Women’s Club gathers women together in partnership with parish leadership to further the spiritual, material and social enrichment of the parish. As active parish stewards, the Club’s mission is to inspire women through spiritual renewal, charitable service and development of social relationships while encouraging individual interests and talents. The club meets monthly, September through May. Meeting notices are published in the Bulletin and membership brochures are available in the church vestibule.
Contact: Nancy Pulito, President
Peace, Justice and Life
Our goal is to inform and provide parishioners opportunities for action and programs relating to social concerns following Gospel values as summarized in the 7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching. Our events involve parishioners of all ages and follow campaigns led by the Archdiocese and the U.S. Catholic Bishops. Locally, we support or organize many events including the Good Friday Walk of the Cross, Operation Rice Bowl and the Search for Peace. Sanctity of Life educates through a parish bulletin column, pamphlets in the church vestibule, speakers and movies, to promote a pro-life environment. We also provide information at election time so that parishioners can make judgments based on Catholic Social Teachings.
Additional information: Respect Life
Bereavement Team
Our parish community reaches out to those made vulnerable by the death of a loved one. The Bereavement Committee lends aid in grief support and comfort to members of the parish and their families during the loss of a loved one. The committee hosts a Remembrance Mass each May for all parishioners in honor of their deceased loved ones and hosts workshops related to grief, loss, and funeral planning. The team meets the first Wednesday of every other month - February, April, June, October, and December.
Contact: Joyce Bergstrom, email
Burnside Meals
Two teams make up this ministry. The first team comprises over 100 parishioners who rotate in providing precooked casseroles, fruit, milk, bread, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The second is composed of 4-5 members who meet at the Church Hall to prepare donated foods and deliver and serve food to the homeless men living at the Tranisiton Projects Shelter located at 4th and Glisan and to the homeless women living at Jean's Place located on 11th and Sandy Boulevard. The teams meet year-round on the second Thursday of each month in the Church Hall kitchen from 5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.
Elizabeth Ministries
Elizabeth Ministries support women and their families during the joys, trials, and sorrows of the childbearing years. These women are willing to share their presence, stories, and experiences with other women through visits, phone calls, cards, prayers, resources, and assistance. This ministry includes the Rosebud Prayer Program, the Welcome Baby Visit Ministry, and the Sacred Steps Program. Our annual events are the Mother and Baby Tea in May and the Memorial Mass for the Little Saints in November. We also initiated the Outreach ministry of Baby Corner, providing essential baby items to local families in need.
Faith Cafe'
Faith Cafe is dedicated to serving those in Washington County who are hungry, seeking community and a sense of belonging at the Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ, 5150 SW Watson Ave., Beaverton, OR, by providing a hot meal, and take home food/meals. There are eight different churches that participate and every eighth Sunday is St. Pius X's turn. The Knights of Columbus cook the wonderful meals. Backup cooks are needed as well as donations of money, desserts, and containers for leftovers. Volunteers are needed for preparing the dining room for guests and for serving/clean-up. We open the doors at 5:00 pm for guests.
Contact: Joan Wells, email
Filipino Community
Using the gifts God gave us, our team will foster spiritual growth and leadership within our community. Regular gatherings are held in the Community Center Hospitality Room on the second Sunday of each month after the 10:30 a.m. Mass.
Contact: Melliza Palazo, email
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit ecumenical Christian housing ministry with approximately 160 leaders and volunteers dedicated to providing adequate housing worldwide, one family at a time. Our mission is to facilitate the parish in sponsoring and building Habitat for Humanity homes through the Willamette West affiliate. Assist in the mission of providing safe, affordable housing to qualifying and deserving families in Washington County. Educate the parish on the many faces of homelessness and accordingly expand our outreach ministry in response to peace and justice concerns.
Contact: Patrick Wheeler, email
Loaves and Fishes
Meets the first Wednesday of the month at the Elsie Stuhr Center located at 5550 SW Hall Boulevard in Beaverton from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Volunteers package meals for delivery by Meals on Wheels and then facilitate meal service for seniors at the Elsie Stuhr Center Dining Room.
Contact: Don Baldwin, email
Mary's Pantry
The Mary's Pantry program provides a positive influence to a segment of our society who is down and out, and providing a continuing source of nutritional food and toiletries. The program includes two annual food drives, one in the spring and one in the fall. Volunteers are busy for three weeks. The food is collected in the Youth Center the following two weeks and then it is sorted and taken to the Downtown Chapel for distribution.
Contact: Mike and Nan Fey, email
Meals on Wheels
Meets the first Wednesday of each month at the Elsie Stuhr Center located at 5550 SW Hall Boulevard in Beaverton from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Volunteer drivers deliver meals to shut-ins living in the Beaverton area.
Baby Corner
A community outreach ministry that provides assistance to mothers and their young children who are in need. We serve these families by helping to supply some of the essential items to care for the children -- clothing, blankets, diapers and hygiene items, and other baby gear. Donations are always welcome and very appreciated.
Contact: St. Pius X Frontdesk at 503-644-5264
Adaptive Liturgy
The team mission is to assist St. Pius X Parish in becoming a community of "welcome and inclusion" for parishioners with disabilities and their families, and to provide accommodation and access for parishioners with disabilities to enable their ful participation in the life of the Church. We coordinate awareness education, accessibility modification, and an Adaptive Liturgy Mass the fourth Sunday of each month at 2:45 p.m.
Contact: Mary Ann Hassold, email
Contact: Fran Hanchek, email