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My Dear Parish Families,
The work of parish volunteers, staff and other helping hands has culminated in the official kick-off of our capital campaign. What an exciting time it is for St. Pius X Catholic Church. We have joined together in this faith community to live our mission as a Catholic family.
Throughout this website, you will read more about the four projects planned for this parish-wide effort, aptly titled Through Him, With Him, In Him: A Capital Campaign for St. Pius X Catholic Church. It is through Jesus, with Jesus and in Jesus that we live each day among our brother and sisters, celebrating and sharing the most holy teachings of our faith.
Our parish community has four pressing needs that require the support of all parishioners. Eliminating the Phase I shortfall is top priority. Our church sanctuary, where we are called each week, needs improving. Our education center, the space where we teach and inspire the next generation of Catholics, needs expanding. And our youth center, a symbol of widening our reach as Catholics, needs repairing.
Together, these four projects touch every corner of our parish. Any need that impacts one group, in turn, impacts us all.
I ask you and your family to take time reading the project descriptions and prayerfully consider a three-year campaign pledge that is meaningful to you.
This experience, I am certain, will bind us together as Catholics. A capital campaign is more than raising money. It is, at its core, about creating a community of Catholics who embody stewardship.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Sean Weeks
$1.7 Million
God our Father, who sent your Son to redeem the world and make all things new, renew in us the grace of our Baptism.
Transform us through the power of the Holy Spirit so that our eyes may see your personal love for us, our hands might be strengthened for the building of your kingdom, and our hearts would be restless until they rest in you.
May your Son, Jesus, truly present in the Eucharist, be the source and summit
of all our efforts—for it is only
through Him, with Him and in Him
that we will make a pleasing offering to you.